The Gift of Hearing Foundation held its first fundraiser
for the Rhode Island area Sunday, November 14, 2010 from
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Narragansett Community Center
in Narragansett, RI.
The event was an Arts
and Crafts fair featuring artisans from the greater
Rhode Island area. A raffle that included artwork from
several of the artists and local donors plus a bake sale
contributed to make the event a complete success. The
Arts & Crafts Fair will help support the GOHF's mission
to help deaf people hear by creating awareness of and
access to cochlear implant technology.
People enjoyed getting a jump start on their holiday
shopping and helping a wonderful cause at the same time.
Many were also delighted to bring home fresh baked goods
for their Thanksgiving tables. |

Happy shoppers loaded with beautiful finds at the
GOHF Arts and Crafts Fair. |