Click here to see the GOHF’s awards and accomplishments for 2012 – May 2015.
January 2011:
Late-deafened adult Nancy Carroll receives assistance
from the GOHF for CI surgery.
August 2010:
Young mother Leah Orangi receives GOHF assistance for CI
June 2010:
GOHF helps retiree James Futules get back to work.
July 2009:
GOHF helps Tufts New England Medical CI Department reach
out to local community via the Susan L. Pilberg Award.
GOHF supports CI Audiologist educational efforts
with a grant to Massachusetts Eye and Ear.
AG Bell CI Fellowship Program receives grant from GOHF.
GOHF helps baby Daniel Marshall receive CI through
a gala fundraiser in conjunction with Advanced Bionics.
See Article.
GOHF's first gift of hearing goes to Massachusetts
Boy. See Article.
Indy race team member Jaki Scheckter gets assistance from GOHF.
Highlights of our
accomplishments to date
Provided assistance to
hundreds with hearing loss and in need of CIs via
financial assistance/awards, guidance, advocacy,
and referrals.
Informed thousands of the existence and benefits of CIs via national
CI awareness programs that include GOHF presence at HL conventions and conferences, a comprehensive website,
and communication with CI Centers.
Established a focused CI industry and professional
Board of Directors & Advisory Board.
Gained national
recognition via Indy racing league & participation
in national events.
gala/auction event which realized 68% profit (2007).
Established fundraising efforts that include annual
direct mail campaigns, online solicitations, arts
and crafts shows, Friend-raisers, baseball park events, online auctions, medi-alert
bracelet sales, Walkathon alliance with HLAA, and
grant writing.
and nationally distributed two CI public service informational
Supported bills in two states lobbying for
comprehensive CI insurance coverage.
Provided CI services and support to children in the greater Worcester,
MA, area in conjunction with The 200 Foundation
Provided awards for CI
audiology education through MEEI and AG Bell
Provided award to Tufts
New England Medical Center for CI Outreach program.
relationships with the entire CI community,
including manufacturers, medical professionals,
politicians, CI candidates and patients, hearing loss
organizations, CI support groups, other non-profit
organizations, and volunteers.

Jaki Scheckter and his cousin, Indy Racer and GOHF Board Member
Tomas Scheckter, 2005.

A Thank You card made by
GOHF gift recipient Troy Nguyen: “Dear Gift of Hearing, Thank you
for the gift. I am excited. Thank you..”

James (2 years old) is one of the GOHF’s most recent recipients of assistance